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Project Samman

What is Project Samman?

Project Samman works with The Earth Saviours Foundation - an internationally recognized NGO - to support them in providing food to the 1000+ mentally disabled and bedridden senior citizens across their shelters in the National Capital Region. 


My engagement with them spanned over 4 years, helping on various initiatives - from raising funds to provide blankets to 500+ seniors, conducting clothing and medicine drives for their residents. 


One of their biggest challenges is their need to source daily raw food materials - they require over 200 kg of rice, 50 litres of cooking oil and 125 kg of atta, among other pulses and spices, each and every day. 


To help support this large humanitarian need, I launched "Project Samman" - a program across residential condominiums in Gurgaon, India that intends to make a small contribution to the daily raw food material needs of the foundation which include atta, rice, pulses, sugar, cooking oil, sooji, salt, ghee, besan, poha, garam masala, etc. 


Thus, to date, I have successfully raised over 1500+ kg in food provisions, with quarterly drives across 5 condominiums in Gurgaon. These were collected at each condominium, and then directly supplied to the Earth Saviours Foundation shelter in Bandhwari Village, Gurgaon. Thus, Project Samman takes a small but important step towards providing them the respect they deserve. 

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