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Space Settlement Design Competition (SSDC)

The Space Settlement Design Competition by the National Space Society puts high school students in the shoes of aerospace industry engineers designing a city in space that will be a home for over 10,000 people. In each of the 3 rounds, we developed a new design concept with its own special requirements, based on an RFP. We worked together to create a 40-page report that addressed the issues and communicated our ideas and designs. 


Represented The Shri Ram School, Aravali in a team of 12 students. Worked with schools across India, Pakistan and China. Achieved 1st in INSSDC, advancing to Asian Semifinals ARSSDC. In my role as Head of the Human Factors & Safety department, and member of the Business Development department, I created efficient evacuation and safety protocols, enhancing productivity and optimizing costs. Helped in financial planning, development timelines, developing and enhancing spacesuits, formulating expansion plans and integrating recreation for sustainability. 

Bridge It

A proud volunteer mentoring middle school students of government-run public schools in socioeconomically weaker areas of Delhi NCR. Spent over 14 hours mentoring Prabhavit, a grade 7 student, to impart lessons on spoken and written English fluency.

Community Engagement and Sustainability

Spa Green Soldiers - Sustainability Club

Part of a community initiative to educate and adopt sustainable habits - shun plastic, segregate waste, adopt renewable energy options. Undertook door-to-door campaigns, hosted an interactive show and tell session in the community center demonstrating impact of microplastics, clarifying and showcasing public resources available for e-waste disposal, and advocated for water conservation and reuse protocols.

Infographic Designer

Lead community designer of 20+ electronic and physical infographics for key community events, initiatives and community engagement during COVID. Worked with community leaders, RWA and estate office in aligning messages, design framework and visual comms template. Conceptualized and created a video thanking community warriors during COVID showcasing 10+ resident interviews expressing gratitude to staff. 

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